Seafront bar gets backing for state-of-the-art glass canopy - Bournemouth Echo

Posted : Tuesday 29 March 2011

DISTRICT chiefs have backed plans for a state-of-the-art glass canopy over a Swanage al-fresco seafront bar.

Popular Gee Whites, on the quayside, has been embroiled in a planning wrangle since 2007, when owner Mick Storer first erected a thatched pagoda over the seating area. But revised plans for a glass canopy have been agreed by Purbeck District Council planners. However, Mr Storer says he will hold fire on any decision to press ahead with construction until the outcome of a separate planning appeal set for June.

Mr Storer is appealing against an enforcement notice, issued by the district council, ordering him to tear down the thatched pagoda. He told the Daily Echo: “It is good news that the planning application has been passed, but I’d rather wait before making any decisions.

“Obviously if we lose the appeal in June we will have to remove the thatch, but the costs of building this glass canopy are not cheap and it is not easy to borrow money in the current climate. “The idea would be to build it over the winter, so it is ready for the following summer. The new building actually goes over the top of the old one, so we would still be able to trade. “We will now wait until after June’s appeal decision before deciding how to progress.”

Planning officers served the latest enforcement notice last October. The action came months after the district council’s planning board ruled against revised plans for a glass and steel canopy at the site, despite widespread public support for the application. This forced Mr Storer and his architects back to the drawing board. Mr Storer said: “On this latest application there was a lot of collaboration between the architects and the planners. “After June this saga will have come to an end.”

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